11 Lug In ricordo di Boike Rehbein
Il 15 luglio 2022 alle ore 19:30 presso l’Università Humboldt di Berlino si svolgerà una riunione in ricordo di Boike Rehbein.
Il Presidente della SDIC ha inviato il video messaggio riportato in questo post. La riunione si tiene in forma ibrida e tutti sono invitati a parteciparvi.
Informal Open Gathering for Boike
Hybrid: Berlin + Zoom
15th of July, from 7.30 pm (CET)
(After the Memorial Tribute at Humboldt-University*)
In Berlin: Biergarten SpeiseKombinat, Chausseestr. 116, 10115 Berlin
(close to IAAW, where Boike spent a lot of time during 13 years and owners and waitresses miss him as well; 20 min walk from “Unter den
Linden 6” or 2 stations)
On Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94980661462?pwd=M1dRSzFUYndtVlVHb25pQ0JoWG4zZz09
Meeting-ID: 949 8066 1462 Passcode: vKh9TT
Want to join? To keep you updated please send a message
with your name and „Berlin“ or „Zoom“ to +49(0)1778236609
* If you would like to attend please register under the given number so that we can inform you in case there is a change in the plan. If you come to Berlin and you have not yet registered to participate in the memorial tribute at Humboldt-University, 4 to 6/7 pm, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin (room 2091) please do so using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSea47s6HY9QwWr3tzvjH0L89tDpISe3mJl6bFfR4Xffr7nH-Q/viewform